Cleats are always manufactured by press moulding. The quality or type of rubber used depends on the specifications of the product to be conveyed, fulfilling at all times the most demanding levels of wear resistance and abrasion strength.
Our cleats can be manufactured with or without fabric reinforcement. However, for cleats above 140 mm in height, we highly recommend the use of fabric reinforcement.
The recommended height of the cleats should be 10 to 20 mm lower than the height of the sidewalls.
Cleats type T, C, TC and TCFX differ mainly in their load capacity, and the choice will always depend on transportation needs.
Type TCFX consists of three elements: two bases joint to the belt and a cross cleat elevation screwed to the bases, which is always manufactured with fabric reinforcement.

*The references with F letter= production with fabric reinforce.
*The indicated diameters are calculated for type N quality, they are merely for reference and it is necessary that you get a separate calculation for each specific project.
*The value of the drum diameter selected will be the most restrictive value according to several criteria: minimum diameter due to the sidewalls, minimum diameter due to the cleat, minimum diameter due to the belt and minimum diameter due to the tensions subjected.
For any questions, please contact Siban.
N: Normal Quality.
G: Oil Resistant Quality.
S: Flame Retardant Quality.
RC: Heat Resistant Quality up to 150ºC
In order to determine the dimensions of cleats when designing a Beltsiflex®, belt, we use the same formula that applies in the volumetric calculations of a conventional belt. Nevertheless, we must consider where the materials to be transported are to be placed within the carrying area formed by the cross cleats and the sidewalls; the grain size of the product will be of vital importance for good operation and functionality of the installed system.
For high granulometry products:
With the aim of avoiding the loss, leak or projection of material during transportation or accidents due to obstruction, it is necessary to pay attention to three selection criteria, always dependant on maximum granulometry. These criteria will always be the minimum measures to beincrease according to the transport capability desired.
- Spacing between cleats:
The minimum distance between cleats must be twice the maximum grain size.
- Cleat width:
The width of cleats must be at least 2.5 times the maximum grain size.
- Cleat height:
EAs for the minimum height of the cleats, two aspects must be considered when making a choice:
- a) Once again, maximum grain size
- b) The angle of inclination of the belt:
It is recommended that you follow these criteria:
Angle of inclination: 0 ÷ 60º
Cleat height: 0.75 ÷ 1.0 x grain size (“g”)
Angle of inclination: 60 ÷ 75º
Cleat height: 1.0 ÷ 1.2 x grain size (“g”)
Angle of inclination: 75 ÷ 90º
Cleat height: 1,5 x grain size (“g”)
The height of the sidewall must always be in excess of between 10 and 20
mm than of the selected cleat.
For vertical belting, “TC” or “TCXF” type cleats must be used.
Products with low grain size :
The material conveyed within the pockets of the belt never takes up 100% of their carrying volume. When calculating the capacity of the pockets, we must always consider a 75% load, as indicated in the attached figure. When the granulometry of the materials to be carried is low, the shortest possible spacing between cleats should be selected in order to achieve maximum efficiency; depending on the type of cleat chosen, the spacing will be different.
The necessary belt width is determined according to belt dimensions, height and desired load capability.